I may just be the latest person with a blog post of 2013 however I've been just a little busy (and lazy). But anyway, I've decided now is the right time to actually think about this past year and just share what I got up to!
Year 11 - English |
My lovelies receiving our GCSEs |
My year started as one of those years where you take a look at the position you're in and think "I have the loveliest friends and the greatest plans for this year". But, like many people, those plans didn't really go as well as I'd hoped and instead my year was a rather surprising one for me in terms of the things that were thrown my way. First all of, 2013 was the last year of my GCSEs, one of which helped me to realise just how determined I can be when I know what I want. If it wasn't for this realisation I wouldn't have gained the lovely set of results I got in the summer, of which I was very very pleased with!

Throughout the year my friendship group changed and I came to terms with the person that I actually am. I've realised that I don't actually stand for much when it comes to somebody I don't particularly like. From this I've began to make changes in my life for the good, of which has helped me to make the lovely friends I know now and am grateful to have met. I spent a lot of the year worrying about what particular people thought of me and now I've come to terms with the fact that not everybody likes you and you
will always come across people that won't like you and won't give you a chance. And if they're not willing to give you a chance then why try? Through this I have allowed myself to get closer to my 'little' group of friends and throughout the year made some lovely memories. One of which being a spontaneous trip to the seaside of which was truly hilarious and unforgettable; another being prom, of which all looked b-e-a-uuuutiful!
Prom |
Cleethorpes |
2013 was also the beginning of my A-Levels and of course joining Sixth Form. I wasn't so sure at first on the thought of speaking to different people however this soon changed. Now I find myself talking to such lovely people whom I never thought I'd find myself speaking to and I'm so so grateful to know each and every one of them. The year showed me just how stressed I can get however I'm still 'plodding' through and I'm still alive (thankfully!!!). I've become so much more confident and I honestly never thought I'd actually say such a thing last year.
Abigail's 17th |
Early September - Jakeycakes! |
And lastly, it was the year that I turned 17. Now I know for sure that turning 17 doesn't make you feel any different, however I feel as though from last year I have most certainly grown up and matured (just a little). I've begun to step out of my comfort-zone a lot more and I've definitely tried to do things I wouldn't normally do. I mean... I can't even catch a bus by myself I'm that bad!! I may not have caught a bus by myself yet but I'm most certainly working on my anxiety and paranoia. Very recently I took my mock exams for my AS exams. Now normally I'd have a panic attack just before going into the hall, however through that week I controlled this and seem to be growing out of it. And maybe, just maybe, I might just get through a set of exams without a trace of panic.
Prom! |
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